For her dissertation “Life History Studies of Committed Lives” Dr. Marjorie Witty interviewed Marshall Rosenberg six times during a period of two years – from summer 1985 to 1987. She distilled the texts below, taken from the six autobiographic interviews, and published them in her dissertation. Since these materials can further our understanding of a communication that connects us with life, I like to make them available to the public.
- Introduction (by Marjorie Witty)
Here follow the interview materials from M. Rosenberg - Suffering in this World
- A Model of Compassion
- A Career in Psychology
- University of Michigan
- Graduate School
- Radical Perspective on Psychology
- St. Louis and Psychological Associates
- Claiming Power and Gift: From Riches to Rags
- Non-violent Communication
- Liberation and the Social Structure
- The Joyous Call
- The Substance of the “Model”
- Wedlock
- Parenting and Relationships
- The Spiritual Base of the Model
Dr. M. Witty ends with her analytic discussion of the interview materials - Discussion (by Marjorie Witty)
- Marshall Rosenberg (bio 1989)