
Here are the people who contribute to these pages.

John Gather, PhD

My name is John Gather and at the time of this writing, in 2023, I live in Germany. I support all people in their pursuit of happiness with care for others – peace must also include freedom.

I discovered nonviolent communication as proposed by Marshall Rosenberg in 2013. Sometimes also called NVC, I prefer to speak of “compassionate communication”. I also use various other terms, such a giraffe language, open-hearted communication and more. I want to use a term that says what this communication is about, rather than a term that says what it is not.

I work as a free communication trainer since 2017. I opted out of joining organized nonviolent communication (Center for Nonviolent Communication, USA), experiencing in that organization more vestiges from domination society structures than I enjoy.

I have started this website as a convenient place to share the publicly available teachings by Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD. My aim is to create access in one place of the availabe teachings, as far as possible at this time.

Join me

Please write in the comments, if you are willing to support this website as a team member by

  • checking a translation of the subtitles in your language
  • checking the correctness of an original English machine-provided subtitles to a video
  • making meaningful excerpts from longer workshop videos (video editing)

Thank you!


Please also write in the comments, if you are a copyright owner. These videos are not provided here for commercial gains and in my understanding a commercial use would be contrary to any intention held dear by Marshall Rosenberg. That said, I do not know who owns copyrights and if this applies to you, I want to honor and respect your rights. So I will be happy to hear from you. -JG

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