Six Early Autobiographic Interviews

For her dissertation “Life History Studies of Committed Lives” Dr. Marjorie Witty interviewed Marshall Rosenberg six times during a period of two years – from summer 1985 to 1987. She distilled the texts below, taken from the six autobiographic interviews, and published them in her dissertation. Since these materials can further our understanding of a communication that connects us with life, I like to make them available to the public.

  1. Introduction (by Marjorie Witty)
    Here follow the interview materials from M. Rosenberg
  2. Suffering in this World
  3. A Model of Compassion
  4. A Career in Psychology
  5. University of Michigan
  6. Graduate School
  7. Radical Perspective on Psychology
  8. St. Louis and Psychological Associates
  9. Claiming Power and Gift: From Riches to Rags
  10. Non-violent Communication
  11. Liberation and the Social Structure
  12. The Joyous Call
  13. The Substance of the “Model”
  14. Wedlock
  15. Parenting and Relationships
  16. The Spiritual Base of the Model
    Dr. M. Witty ends with her analytic discussion of the interview materials
  17. Discussion (by Marjorie Witty)
  18. Marshall Rosenberg (bio 1989)