Page for bibliographic resources related to Marshall Rosenberg
Early Writings on Giraffe (1972-1983)
Rosenberg, Marshall B. (1972a). A Manual for “Responsible” Thinking and Communicating. St. Louis MO: Community Psychological Consultants, Inc.
Rosenberg, Marshall B. (1972b). Mutual Education: Toward Autonomy and Interdependence. Seattle WA: Bernie Straub Publishing Co., Inc. and Special Child Publications.
Rosenberg, Marshall B. (1973). New Directions in In-Service Education for Teachers. In M. B. Rosenberg (Ed.), Educational Therapy (Vol. 3, pp. 367-383). Seattle WA: Bernie Straub Publishing Co., Inc. and Special Child Publications.
Rosenberg, Marshall B. (Ed.). (1973). Educational Therapy (Vol. 3). Seattle WA: Bernie Straub Publishing Co., Inc. and Special Child Publications.
Rosenberg, Marshall B. (1976). From Now On (A revised edition of A Manual for “Responsible” Thinking and Communicating). St. Louis MO: Community Psychological Consultants, Inc.
Rosenberg, Marshall B. (1977). From Now On: Without Blame or Punishment (A revised edition of A Manual for “Responsible” Thinking and Communicating and From Now On, 1st ed.). St. Louis MO: Community Psychological Consultants, Inc.
Rosenberg, Marshall B. (1979). From Now On: A Model for Nonviolent Persuasion (A revised edition of A Manual for “Responsible” Thinking and Communicating and From Now On, 2nd ed.). St. Louis MO: Community Psychological Consultants, Inc.
Rosenberg, Marshall B. (1983). A Model for Nonviolent Communication. Philadelphia PA: New Society Publishers. [The green book – 1st and 2nd ed.]
Books Mentioned by Marshall in his workshops
- Becker, Ernest: The Revolution in Psychiatry: The New Understanding of Man. New York, Free Press, 1964.
- Becker, Ernest: The Birth and Death of Meaning. New York, Free Press 1971
- Benedict, Ruth; “Synergy-patterns of the good culture.” Psychology Today, 1970.
- Bohm, David: On Dialogue, Routledge, 1996.
- Boserup, Anders; Mack, Andrew: War Without Weapons, Non-Violence in National Defence, New York: Schocken 1975
- Bowles, Samuel and Gintis, Herbert: Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational reform and the contradictions of economic life. New York: Basic Books, 1976.
- Buber, Martin. l and Thou. Scribner, New York. 1958
Buber, Martin, Ich und Du - Brück, Horst, Die Angst des Lehrers vor seinen Schülern, Rororo, 1978
- Brück, Horst, Seminar der Gefühle, Rowohlt, 1986.
- Campbell, Joseph, Transformations of Myth Through Time, Harper & Row, 1990
- Campbell, Joseph, The Power of Myth, Anchor, 1991.
- Campbell, Joseph, Myths to Live by, Atlanta, 1993
- Cornell, Ann Weiser; The Power of Focusing: A Practical Guide to Emotional Self-Healing; Oakland, CA; New Harbinger Pub.; 1996
- Craig, James and Marguerite. Synergic Power. Berkeley, Cal.: Proactive Press, 1974
- Dass, Ram: The Only Dance There Is, New York, Harper & Row 1974
- Dass, Ram and Bush, Mirabai; Compassion in action: Setting out on the path of service; Bell Tower, N.Y. 1992
- Dass, Ram, & Gorman, Paul. How can I help?: Stories and reflections on service. New York, Knopf 1985 (dt. Titel: Wie kann ich helfen? Segen und Prüfung mitmenschlicher Zuwendung, Berlin, Sadhana 1994)
- de Chardin, Teilhard, Die menschliche Energie, 1966.
- Domhoff, G. W., Who Rules America?, Mayfield, 1998
- Ellis, Albert; A guide to rational living. Wilshire Book Co., 1961.
- Eisler Riane, the chalice and the blade, harper collins 1988
- Frankl, Viktor; Das Leiden am sinnlosen Leben, Herder Spektrum
- Frankl, Viktor; Der Mensch vor der Frage nach dem Sinn
- Frankl Viktor; Trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen – Ein Kurs in Wundern (Original: A Course in Miracles, Penguin Arkana, 1975)
- Freire, Paulo; Pedagogy of the oppressed; Herder and Herder, 1971.
- Fromm, Erich. Escape from freedom. Holt, Rinehart & Winston
- Fromm, Erich. The art of loving. Harper & Row, 1956
- Gendlin, Eugene: Focusing. Selbsthilfe bei der Lösung persönlicher Probleme. Reinbek: Rowohlt 2000
- Glenn, Michael and Kunnes, Richard; Repression or Revolution. Harper and Row 1973.
- Greenburg, Dan and Jacobs, Marcia. How to Make Yourself Miserable. Vintage Books, N. Y. 1987.
- Greenleaf, Robert K., The Power of Servant Leadership, Berrett Koehler 1998
- Harvey, O.J. Conceptual systems and personality organization. Harper & Row, 1961.
- Holt, John. How children fail. Pitman, New York. 1964.
- Johnson, Wendeli. Living with Change. New York: Harper and Row, 1972.
- Katz, Michael. Caste, bureaucracy and the schools.
- Katz, Michael. School reform: Past and present. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1971
- Kaufmann, Walter, Without guilt and iustice.
- Kelly, George A. The psychology of personal constructs. Volumes 1 & 2, Norton, New York, 1955
- Kornfield, Jack; A path with heart: A guide through the perils and promises of spiritual life; Bantam Books, N. Y. 1993. (dt.: Geh den Weg des Herzens. Meditationen für den Alltag. Kösel 1977)
- Krotoschin, Henry, Huna Praxis, Bauer, 1990
- Kurtz, Ernest, & Ketcham, Katherine; The spirituality of imperfection: Modern wisdom from classic stories; Bantam Books, N.Y.1992.
- Kushner, Harold: wenn guten Menschen Böses widerfährt, 1986
- Lerner, M., Spirit Matters, Walsch Books, 2000.
- Lyon, Gracie. Constructive Criticism. Oakland, Cal.:IRT Press, 1977
- Macy, Joanna, Coming Back to Life: Practices to Reconnect Our Lives, Our World, New Society Publications, 1998.
- Macy, Joanna, Thich Nhat Hanh, World as Lover, World as Self, Parallax, 1991.
- Maslow, Abraham. Toward a psychology of being. Van Nostrand. Princeton, N.J. 1962
- McLaughlin, Corinne and Davidson, Gordon; Spiritual Politics: Changing the World from the Inside Out. Ballantine Books, N. Y . 1994.
- Milgram, Stanley. Obedience to authority. New York: Harper and Row, 1974 (dt.: Das Milgram-Experiment. Zur Gehorsamkeit gegenüber Authorität. Rowohlt 2000)
- Muller, Wayne; How, Then, Shall We Live; New York; Bantam Books, 1996.
- Muller, Wayne, Legacy of the Heart, The Spiritual Advantages of a Painful Childhood, Fireside, 1993
- Petersen, Hans-Christian; Open Space in Aktion, Junfermann
- Postman, Neil, and Weingartner, Charles, Teaching as a subversive activity. Delacorte, 1969.
- Postman, Neil, and Weingartner, Charles. The soft revolution: A student handbook für turning schools around. Delta, New York 1971
- Powell, John, The secret of staying in love. Argus, Niles, Illinois 1974.
- Powell, John, Why am I afraid to tell you who I am?
- Roach, Geshe Micheal, The Diamond Cutter, The Buddha on Strategies for Managing your Business and your Life, Doubleday, 2000
- Rogers, Carl. Freedom to learn. Charles E. Merrill, 1969.
- Rogers, Carl, Freedom to Learn tor the 80s, 1983.
- Rogers, Carl, Client-centered Therapy
- Rogers Carl; Die nicht-direktive Beratung. Counseling and Psychotherapy
- Rogers, Carl With E.T. Gendlin, D.J. Kiesler, and C.B. Truax (Eds.). The therapeutic relationship and its impact: A study of psychotherapy with schizophrenics. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1967.
- Rogers, Carl. On personal power. Delacorte, New York 1977
- Rokeach, Milton: the open and closed mind
- Rokeach, Milton: the nature of human values
- Rokeach, Milton: understanding human values: individual and societal
- Rosenberg, Marshall. Mutual Education. Seattle: Special Child Publications, 1972
- Ryan, William, Blaming the Victim. New York: Vintage Books, 1971.
- Scheff, Thomas; Labeling Madness. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice- Hall, 1975
- Sharp, Gene. Social Power and Political Freedom. Boston. Porter Sargent. 1980
- Schumacher, E. F., A guide für the perplexed, Abacus, 1977. (z.B. vier Fragen: Was geht wirklich in meiner inneren Welt vor? Was geht in der inneren Welt anderer Wesen vor? Wie sehe ich in den Augen anderer Wesen aus? Was beobachte ich in der Welt um mich herum?)
- Schumacher, E. F., Small is Beautiful, A Study of Economics as if People Mattered, Abacus, 1975.
- Schumacher, E. F., Good Work, Abacus, 1980.
- Steiner, Claude: Wie man Lebenspläne verändert. Junfermann 2000
- Szasz, Thomas, The Myth of Mental Illness, Harper & Collins, 1984.
- Szasz, Thomas; Ideology and Insanity. New York: Doubleday, 1970.
- Tagore, Rabindranath: Sadhana. Der Weg zum wahren Leben. Hyperion 1996
- Whitehead, J., Action Research in Organisations (J. McNiff ed.), Routledge, 2001.
- Whitman, Walt; The Complete Poems, Viking Press, 1990
- Wilber, Ken, Grace and Grit, Shambala, 1991 (Deutsch: Mut und Gnade / Ken Wilber erzählt die Geschichte seiner grossen Liebe zu Treya Wilber, die an Brustkrebs starb)
- Wilber, Ken, A Brief History of Everything, Gill & Macmillan, 1996
- Wilber, Ken, The Marriage of Sense and Soul – Integrating Science and Religion, Broadway Books, 1998
- Wingo, Otha, Das Huna Arbeitsbuch, Knaur, 1994
- Wink, Walter. Engaging the Powers. Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 1992.
- Wink, Walter; The Powers That Be: Theology For A New Millenium. Doubleday, NY 1998.
- Witten, Dona, Akong Rinpoche, Beruf als Weg, Theseus, 1998.